HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone! Hope you all had a memorable and fun Christmas. I had a very quiet time and made many presents. Made some jewellery, some grungeboard bracelets and bookmarks for my closest friends. Took me a lot longer than had anticipated due to playing with colour and paint techniques for most of the time. Some of the Christmas presents are still in my hallway as wasn't too well over the holidays and wasn't up to delivering anything. My friends have been very understanding and will receive their stash as soon as possible this year.
Today was quite an exciting day for me as bought my own Domain name, will find out more of how to go ahead with this when attend College tomorrow evening. Mind you at this rate I won't be going anywhere as the ice on the roads is very treacherous and who wants to drive under these circumstances.....not me!
Getting a Domain name was quite easy but my reason for doing so is because this time I have learnt more about Dreamweaver than ever before. I did the work this time not the tutor. Need to make changes to the site tomorrow, couple of grammatical corrections and see if I can turn one of my backgrounds into a watercolour background using Photoshop. Lets see if this is possible with my very limited knowledge.
Thanks for stopping by :-)