Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

Earlier in the week mustavcoffee very kindly gave me a Stylish Blogger award and now it is time to pass it on to five six other Bloggers.  As you know a lot of Blogs don’t accept these awards and so tried to find ones that didn’t have any objections.  I hope you will all be happy to receive and pass on this award BUT if you don’t have the time  mustavcoffee says she found  “so much inspiration but please don't feel you have to participate, it's good to give you a shout out” and these awards are also posted in the same spirit. So here goes and i hope all six enjoy.

The terms of the Award are (if you wish to pass it on), tell five things about yourself and pass onto five other Bloggers. I’ve already done my five things in an earlier post and so in no particular order here are the lucky five six:

Dolly Daydreams 



Suze Bain



ALL of the above Blogs are fantastic and i would heartily recommend that you pop by to check them out.  Would like to say THANK YOU to all of the above blogs as i have found lots of creativity, lovely people and some fabulous creations.

Thanks again mustavcoffee :-) xxx

Thanks for dropping by and have a great week:-)


  1. Thank you so much for your award you are too kind, hope you don't mind but have passed it on to everyone just couldn't choose !!!!!!

    Hope all is well with you.


  2. Thanks so much for this award ... I really appreciate the sentiment behind it an am truly flattered!
    Thank you!
