Monday, 11 May 2015

Art It Friday–Show Your Face

I am late posting this week to the fantastic community share the lovely Kim Dellow hosts on her blog which she calls Art it Friday – Show Your Face.

My faces this week are from late April 2015. I haven’t managed to draw anything from May 1st due to life getting in the way and house repairs going on. This will definitely be remedied very soon…

AwolstudioGirl 260415

This is the largest face i have ever drawn, it is A3 size on print paper and using pastels that were available on the night. I visited an open evening at my Friends studio, Creative Art Courses, a few people had a draw, this is mine lol.

Ergo 02 26415

This is Ergo, she was hand drawn then photographed and digitally altered using an App called Pixlr-O-Matic. Added writing around her wings and in her hair.

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Meet Serenna or She Found Her Wings. This is another hand drawn Angel, photographed and altered using the Pixlr-O-Matic App.

Enjoyed drawing her hair and adding the words to her.

Raindrops 300415

Raindrops is the name for this original. Very original you might add lol.

Tried to draw an umbrella but as you can see it doesn’t look anything like one. Like her polka dot dress and the writing.

Doris 220415

This is Doris, like her just as she is.

Crystal2 220415

Finally meet Crystal. I find i enjoy adding words to my faces, hope you try this too.

I hope you will use one of your face drawings as inspiration to come along and join in with my new Challenge Blog called Old, New and digital Too. hope to see you there.

Thank you for dropping by, looking forward to your lovely comments.



  1. Such lovely faces, Serenna is so beautiful with the earthy colours and I do like the flower shaped umbrella on Raindrops.

    Love and hugs

  2. More great faces... I love the words in the hair - especially on Serenna, and her sepia tones are great.
    Alison xx

  3. Wow so many faces Mo! I think Doris reminds me a lot of Taylor Swift, not sure if that's who you were thinking about when you drew her!? Claire xx

  4. Fabulous faces Mo, what is your first lady called? She looks both sad and angry to me. I love them all but I particularly love Ergo! Thanks so much for linking and for the shout out and I hope you have a better week this week. Kx

  5. Some lovely faces Mo, I think Serenna is so pretty xx

  6. These are fabulous Mo! I love Crystal - she looks like a sixties gal to me! Chrisx

  7. I really like the idea of adding words to portraits! I must try that! Your posts are always inspirational, Mo. They make me want to find out more about using digital in my work and I love how you try out new things and experiment! xx

  8. Great faces Mo and I love how they're all different. The first one looks a wee bit feisty!
    Big hugs
    Donna xxx

  9. Love sepia Serenna, they all have a charm and all so different! Do they look like you....people often, without knowing draw images of themselves! x

  10. Amazing collection Mo and I think your umbrella turned out fabulous, looks like a flower and I love it!! Well done! hugs :)

  11. Blogger said my comment had been published, but I don't see it. I'll try to remember what I said before, but not verbatim. I only wish I could draw half as good as you. Believe me, I've tried, and have been told a three year old draws better than I. So I applaud you.

  12. Great portraits, all with their own perspectives.

  13. Love all "the girls," Mo, but Doris is my favorite. Her perfect "pursed" lips are mesmerizing. Love, love, love her!!!

  14. These are lovely Mo and I can really see how much you've improved too. I love the fact that you have found a way to enhance them digitally too. The purple haired Ergo is my favourite - you know how much I love pretty colours but they are all fabulous and have so much personality too! Karen x

  15. I love your faces Mo, your drawings are so delicate and lovely xx

  16. Your faces are really good Mo, they always have personality xx
